Kodak Folding Brownie — You Can Still Use this 100-Year-Old Camera Today

Testing the Kodak Camera From 1915

Dmitrii Eliuseev
9 min readNov 27, 2022

In the previous article, I did a review of a 110-year-old Kodak Brownie camera. And I absolutely could not resist testing the “newer” model, a Kodak Folding Brownie:

Kodak Folding Brownie © Image By Author

This camera not only looks great, but it also provides much more features for photographers. I will also figure out how I can use this camera today and will show the results.

As usual, a small note. Many specs of different hardware can be easily found online, but I’m convinced that it’s impossible to get a true impression about using any device by only reading online articles. To genuinely know if the camera was good or not, I should test it myself. So, I bought this camera on my own on eBay, I have no sponsors, and Kodak also did not pay me for this review ;)

And now, let’s get started.


More than 100 years ago Kodak introduced a series of “Kodak Brownie” cameras:

Kodak Brownie ads, Source © George Eastman Museum

This was a big marketing success. Cameras were cheap, and they were fully automatic. A Kodak Brownie camera…



Dmitrii Eliuseev

Python/IoT developer and data engineer, data science and electronics enthusiast